The national security report on the relationship between migration and terrorism has been declassified. The document, published on the Parliament’s website, shows that violence in the border region is increasing. It also highlights, among other things, that terrorist networks could take control of illegal migration routes, thus increasing the risk of further escalation.
The report was declassified at the initiative of the head of the Fidesz parliamentary group and member of the national security committee, Máté Kocsis. The politician justified the decision by saying that the public also needs to be aware of issues related to migration and terrorism.
The document states that the protection of Hungary and Europe against illegal immigration is ensured by legislation, personnel on duty at the southern border and the security barrier. Recent trends and information from law enforcement and national security agencies show that these three elements of security are under increasing pressure. On a legal level, the European migration pact presents a risk.
The increase in the number of people turned back at the borders reflects growing migratory pressure. They stressed that in terms of internal security, the growing threat of terrorism, a consequence of the conflict between Israel and Hamas, presents an increased risk alongside increased migratory pressure. The report warns that
Illegal migration routes, including the Western Balkans via Hungary, could be used by terrorist networks.
The report also finds that there is growing competition and a willingness to use violence among trafficking gangs in Serbia with a past in Afghanistan. Taliban intelligence services have taken direct control of the activities of human trafficking groups of Afghan origin operating in the territory of Vojvodina (Serbia).
Around 1,000 to 1,200 illegal Serbian-Hungarian border crossings are detected every night. In August, 293 illegal crossers were detected at a border crossing point in one hour. According to the General Directorate of National Police, the number of illegal migrants apprehended and returned broke a record during week 40 with 5,606.
The report estimates that the smuggling sector is characterized by a constantly expanding market and structural improvements.
Part of the profits may be used to finance terrorism, and equipment and weapons supply channels may also be used to facilitate terrorist activities.
Vulnerabilities linked to constantly evolving international and national migration policies are easily identified and exploited by criminal organizations. Hungary’s transit status has not changed because the country does not have a large, distinct, culturally and linguistically identical migrant diaspora. In the short term, the country is not threatened by the emergence of closed social groups, but in the longer term, the saturation of destination countries could have an impact on peripheral countries, which could fundamentally change the situation of the public security in the country, the report said.
The document highlights that violence is increasing in border areas, putting strain on serving personnel. The use of armed forces to respond to these challenges would also likely lead to increased violence by organized crime. The pace of migration movements is currently that of the “end-of-season surge”, with increasing numbers of people trying to reach their destinations before the onset of winter and authorities in Balkan transit states keen to hold back as few migrants as possible. on their territories.
Via MTI, featured image: police.hu